
您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 >> 產(chǎn)品中心 >> >> 體育類檢測儀器 >> (HIC運動員頭部沖擊測試儀


  • 更新時間:  2024-08-01
  • 產(chǎn)品型號:  (HIC
  • 訪問次數(shù):  1687
  • 產(chǎn)品型號:  生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 簡單描述
  • 運動員頭部沖擊測試儀測量HIC量值,并得到橄欖球場地及兒童游樂場地等安全下落的嚴格高度符合EN1177標準的Gavlue特殊操作軟件




IRB EN15330



HIC Impact Tester
The quality of the foundation plays an important role in determining the safety of various surfaces like playgrounds. When this is too hard, serious head injuries can be the result of a fall. For this reason the critical drop height has been determined as a standard, this is the EN 1177 norm. The Head Injury Criteria (HIC) Impact Tester has been developed by Deltec and enables to determine this critical value by means of a test. The HIC Impact Tester is practical in use as it is supplied with a measuring case including a built-in gel battery that does not rely on external power. The device is supplied with a tripod, altimeter and special GValue software. The software also contains a tool that generates a ready report after carrying out the test procedure, ideal for internal or customer purposes. The HIC Impact Tester consists of a hemisphere (artificial head) supplied with a tri-axial acceleration sensor that registers the accelerations that occur during the impact. The HIC value is then being calculated. Another feature is the determination of the critical drop height. This is the drop height with a HIC value of 1000. The critical drop height is determined at different points of the test area.
Your benefits:
Real-time measuring results
and flexible in use
Magnetic release, no external influences
Tri-axial sensor for highest precision
Data Acquisition Device with own power supply
Special GValue software
Standard reporting tool within software
Built-in EN 1177 check
Applications: Rugby, playgrounds, rubber tiles, sand, gravel, woodchips, grass, pavement
Standards: EN 1177, EN 15330



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